Rick Yuan

Software engineer experienced in React and Ruby-on-Rails.

My resume.

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Heap Overflow

Q&A community for developers

Inspired by Stack Overflow, Heap Overflow allows users to find the best answers to coding questions and answers. Posts are curated by the community through a voting system. Gamification through badges make it fun for users as they use the site and discover its features. The site was built using React and Ruby-on-Rails and styled without the use of frameworks.


Visualize formulas and algorithms

D3construct is a web tool for deconstructing complex formulas and algorithms into intuitive visualizations. It was built using D3 and vanilla JavaScript.



I'm passionate about using technology to make a difference. While not coding, I can be found hitting the pavement on a long run, attempting to bend into odd shapes on a yoga mat, or deep in meditation on a buckwheat cushion.